As an employee in Colorado, it is essential to understand your rights and what to do should your employer violate those rights. You could have grounds to pursue legal action against them with assistance from an experienced employment law lawyer.  What are employee rights? Employee rights are a worker’s legal and ethical entitlements concerning their…

2023 Guide to Class Action Settlements and Lawsuits
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2023 Guide to Class Action Settlements and Lawsuits

While most people have heard about class action lawsuits, they may not fully realize exactly what they are and how to go about joining one when a defective product or dangerous drug has injured them. This 2023 guide provides details about class action lawsuits, current cases, and other helpful information you need to know when…

What Is the Process When Filing for Workers Compensation?

What Is the Process When Filing for Workers Compensation?

When you have a work injury, workers’ compensation can provide welcome relief. However, you must take the proper steps to receive your benefits. Our experienced workers’ compensation attorneys know the mistakes people make when they file for workers’ compensation. We want you to understand what you need to do to receive the benefits you’ve earned….

The Supreme Court’s Evolving View on Punitive Damages

The Supreme Court’s Evolving View on Punitive Damages

Supreme Court jurisprudence relating to punitive damages, also called exemplary damages, has evolved slowly. In 1989, the court began to review and clarify punitive damages compensation. Over three decades and more than a half dozen cases later, states now have some guidance for deciding these types of claims. However, some questions remain unanswered on Supreme…

What Can You Do If Your Employer Denies Your Reasonable Accommodation Request?

What Can You Do If Your Employer Denies Your Reasonable Accommodation Request?

The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) is meant to give people with disabilities equal opportunities. As part of the law, employers must make reasonable accommodations for people with disabilities. However, that doesn’t mean an employer must accommodate every situation or request. Our employment law attorneys explain legal requirements for employer accommodations at work and what…

What Are the Criteria Used To Prove a Defendant Is Vicariously Liable?

What Are the Criteria Used To Prove a Defendant Is Vicariously Liable?

In Colorado, there are some circumstances where a person can be legally liable for what someone else does. Vicarious liability exists to make the legal system fair. For example, if you‘ve been injured, you may wonder how a business can be vicariously liable for employees, or a parent may be liable for their minor child….

New Nursing Homes Initiatives: What the 2022 State of the Union Means for You

New Nursing Homes Initiatives: What the 2022 State of the Union Means for You

In his 2022 State of the Union address, U.S. President Joe Biden announced new initiatives to improve the quality of nursing home care¹. The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) is ready with new measures to hold long-term facilities accountable for the care they provide. The goal is to reduce nursing home negligence and…

Punitive Damages: How Much Should You Ask For?

Punitive Damages: How Much Should You Ask For?

After an accident, you may deserve compensation for your medical bills, property damage, lost wages, pain and suffering. But what about punitive damages? When are punitive damages awarded and how much can you get? Our Colorado personal injury lawyers explain. What Are Punitive Damage? Punitive damages refer to money that a guilty party may be…

Everything You Need to Know About Financial Loss Due to a Personal Injury

Everything You Need to Know About Financial Loss Due to a Personal Injury

Physical injuries and suffering are only one part of a personal injury accident — the financial losses can also be devastating. When you’re injured in a personal injury accident, you need to know what economic challenges lie ahead and how to address them. Our Colorado personal injury lawyers explain everything you need to know about…