Colorado Electric Scooter Accidents

Like many cities throughout the United States, the City of Denver allows electric scooter companies to offer rentals throughout the city. While e-scooters may be more popular than ever before, they’re also dangerous.

As scooter use has increased, accidents and injuries related to scooters have become more common. Are scooters dangerous? What are the laws about electric scooter accidents? Here’s what you need to know from our Colorado accident attorneys.

Colorado Electric Scooter Laws

Scooters are legal in the City of Denver. In fact, five companies pay licensing fees to offer scooters for hire throughout the city. However, after a serious accident in 2019, the city restricts scooter use near Coors Field two hours before home games. City officials say that the ban is necessary because of increased foot traffic in the area on game days.

Does Denver Have Electric Scooters for Hire?

Yes, Denver has electric scooters for hire. Scooter companies Bird, Lime, Lyft, Razor, and Spin, paid a combined $128,000 in licensing fees to offer scooters for hire throughout the city. Users pay a fee to unlock a scooter. Then, they pay by the minute to ride. The rider may return the scooter to another station within the city. Anyone may rent an e-scooter. There are more than 1,000 electric scooters available for hire on the streets of Denver.

Electric Scooters in Colorado

Lawmakers believe that electric scooters cut down on single-rider motor vehicle use. They say that riders can rent a scooter for a small fee that is comparable to the cost of driving a car. However, critics say that scooters travel at a faster rate than pedestrians making them a hazard for others on crowded city streets. Like many cities throughout the United States, Denver continues to struggle to find a balance between the potential benefits and dangers of electric scooter use.

Are Electric Scooters Dangerous?

Yes, e-scooters can be dangerous. The Denver Post reports 11 fatalities involving electric scooters in the United States in a six-month period from 2018-2019. In addition, the City of Austin reported 192 scooter-related injuries in just three months. Even though riding a scooter by itself may be relatively safe, riding in areas of high congestion, navigating obstacles, and traveling on uneven surfaces can lead to accidents.

Electric Scooter Accident Statistics

According to a study by the Center for Disease Control:

  • The e-scooter injury rate was 14.3 per 100,000 trips
  • The most common accident-related injury is head injuries at 45% of all injuries
  • The second most common injury involved upper extremity fractures at 27%
  • 1 out of 190 injured riders was wearing a helmet

According to a different study by Consumer Reports:

  • At least 1,500 riders have been injured on e-scooters since 2017
  • At least 8 people have died due to injuries sustained on e-scooters
  • 27% of riders are unsure of the traffic laws pertaining to e-scooters

Are Scooters More Dangerous Than Cars?

Scooters may be more dangerous than cars because when an accident occurs, the victim doesn’t have the protection of a vehicle to shield them from the crash. Even a scooter accident that doesn’t involve a motor vehicle can produce serious injuries. Accidents can happen in both scooters and cars, but a scooter accident at a low speed can cause more serious injuries than may occur in a motor vehicle accident that occurs at the same speed. Even the most common car accident injuries can be exacerbated when they happen to a scooter rider.

Colorado E-Scooter Accidents

Electric scooter accidents are a growing problem. With e-scooters throughout the city, accidents are bound to occur. A pedestrian may be a victim of a crash. The person riding the scooter may be a victim, too. Even a person in a motor vehicle can be the victim of a scooter accident.

Fault for a Scooter Accident in Colorado

Colorado law protects the victims of scooter accidents. The person who is at fault for the scooter accident is the person whose actions make the accident occur. That person may or may not be the person who is riding the scooter.

For example, an accident may occur because a car fails to stop for a scooter that is lawfully in a crosswalk. In that case, the driver of the vehicle is at fault for the scooter accident. In another example, a person riding an electric scooter might be traveling too fast, given the amount of pedestrian traffic in the area. If the rider causes an accident because of unreasonable speed, they’re at fault.

The person who is at fault for the scooter accident pays the victims for their damages in Colorado. They may owe the victim for many types of damages, including medical bills, lost income, property damage, and pain and suffering. To receive payment, the victim must bring a claim for compensation. They must prove that the actions of the other party caused the scooter accident.

Can the Government Be Liable for an E-Scooter Accident?

Because electric scooters are licensed and regulated in many cities, government liability for a scooter accident is a valid question. Although liability typically falls to the individual whose actions cause the accident, there are some circumstances where the government may have some legal responsibility for an e-scooter accident. Your attorney for scooter accidents can help you determine who the responsible parties might be for your case.

Proving Fault for a Scooter Accident

An essential part of any scooter accident claim is proving fault. If you’re the victim of an accident, you must prove your case. There are many ways to go about proving and determining fault in Colorado. Testimony from witnesses who saw the accident can be persuasive. You can also admit statements of what the other party said to others after the crash.

The scene of the scooter accident and accident reconstruction techniques can also help you prove your case. While it’s up the victim to demonstrate fault for the electric scooter accident, you can build robust evidence to prove your case and win the compensation that you deserve.

Contact Our Colorado Attorneys for E-Scooter Accidents

Have you been in an e-scooter accident? Are you wondering if you may claim financial compensation after a Colorado electric scooter accident? Our legal team can help.

At Bachus & Schanker, LLC, we have extensive experience handling all kinds of personal injury accidents. We’re trained, ready, and determined to fight for you and the full compensation that you may deserve under Colorado law. Being an accident victim isn’t easy. But our legal team is ready to work for you and with you until you receive justice.

With multiple offices located across Colorado, our attorneys are ready to serve you and fight for the compensation you deserve. Contact us today for a no-obligation confidential consultation about your rights. Your call is free. We look forward to speaking with you.

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