How Social Media Can Influence a Personal Injury Claim

How Social Media Can Influence a Personal Injury Claim

Do you have a personal injury claim? Your social media matters! What you post on social media can have a significant impact on the outcome of your case. In fact, posting the wrong thing on social media can result in you losing your personal injury claim. Our Denver personal injury attorneys explain how social media…

Insurance Companies Denying Benefits in Bad Faith
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Insurance Companies Denying Benefits in Bad Faith

You’re injured in an accident. Of course, you expect the insurance company to pay what your claim is worth. Unfortunately, you may find that your insurance claim is denied. You need to know what to do next. Our Colorado bad faith insurance lawyers explain insurance denials. What Happens if an Insurance Claim Is Denied? When…

Protecting Your Parents Against Elderly Abuse
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Protecting Your Parents Against Elderly Abuse

As a personal injury law firm, we often meet victims of elder abuse and neglect. Unfortunately, it can be challenging for adult children to protect their parents against elderly abuse. Recognizing the signs and symptoms and knowing what to do if you suspect wrongful treatment of a loved one is vital to ensuring their safety….

When Do You Really Need a Personal Injury Lawyer?

When Do You Really Need a Personal Injury Lawyer?

If you’ve been hurt in an accident, it can be hard to know which injuries warrant contacting a personal injury lawyer. Not every case requires an attorney—but personal injury lawyers can help accident victims in a wide variety of situations get fair compensation for their injuries and suffering. Whether you’ve been injured in a Denver…

The Benefits of Having Personal Injury Attorney Representation

The Benefits of Having Personal Injury Attorney Representation

When victims suffer an injury after an accident, the aftermath and trying to navigate the legal system alone can be overwhelming. On top of trying to recover from injuries, they may not be able to work, have increasing medical bills and are being pressured by the insurance company to accept an amount that doesn’t cover…

Tax Laws Every Real Estate Investor Needs to Understand

Tax Laws Every Real Estate Investor Needs to Understand

Taxes are one of the biggest threats to a real estate investor’s profits. Luckily, investors have access to a whole spectrum of valuable tax deductions, and even strategies that can defer those taxes indefinitely. A savvy tax-reduction strategy can result in a five or even six figure reduction in your tax bill; that’s real money…

How Could Your Disability or Personal Injury Settlements Impact a Child Support Obligation?

How Could Your Disability or Personal Injury Settlements Impact a Child Support Obligation?

You may know that a child support obligation is based on the parents combined gross income and the number of overnight stays the child spends with each parent. What you may not know is how a personal injury settlement or disability award may impact a child support obligation. For this answer, we turned to attorney…



As an employee in Colorado, it is essential to understand your rights and what to do should your employer violate those rights. You could have grounds to pursue legal action against them with assistance from an experienced employment law lawyer.  What are employee rights? Employee rights are a worker’s legal and ethical entitlements concerning their…