woman talking with eldery woman

How to prevent serious nursing home injuries by taking precautions

According to the Colorado Department of Public Health & Environment, nearly 600,000 Coloradans are now 65+ years old – that’s an increase of almost 47 percent from 2003. That’s the third highest rate of growth in the nation, and by 2030 the number is projected to increase by nearly 77 percent. While Colorado has a…

abused senior woman

What you need to know to stop caregiver elder abuse

In Colorado, elder abuse is a growing epidemic, and with more of our seniors choosing to spend their golden years at home, they risk becoming victims to greater abuse by family caregivers. Surprisingly, only 3.4 percent of the 65+ population live in institutional settings, such as nursing homes. According to the National Center on Elder…

depressed senior woman looking out window

What Are You Doing to Protect Your Family From Elder Abuse?

Today, the United States has the greatest number of citizens aged 65 and older — that’s 40.3 million elderly Americans. By 2050, that number will jump to an astounding 88.5 million, with Colorado leading the way as one state with the fastest growing aging population. In fact, within the next six years Colorado is expected…